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For the Record

It's good to be back in touch with all of you after these many months.

When I began my intuitive career, I attended classes and learned from marketing experts about the best way to grow my intuitive business. One of the main things taught was to consistently stay in touch with your clients.

Over the past few months, though, I didn't listen to the cries of these experts. I listened to my heart. And my heart was calling me elsewhere.

This summer was the beginning of the end of the biggest job of my life. I knew the end was coming, it certainly was no surprise. But the "hit" of leaving this job was, well, hitting me. I found myself looking around during my last weeks and months, wanting to capture how I was feeling. I wanted to be fully present and enjoy the final days and months as long as I could. Sending out a newsletter was far from my mind.

What was the job that was ending?

It was the most important job in the world to me. It was my soul's highest calling. It's a job that nurtured me, challenged me, and redefined me like none of my other jobs before.

It was my job as a full-time mom.

Prior to having children, I focused on completing my degrees and professional training, and I also worked full-time. When my husband and I decided to have kids, loving and caring for my family became my focus and my full-time job, instead. Over the years, I chose to pass up several opportunities to grow my intuitive business and focus again on my career. I didn't feel excited about these opportunities, and instead I felt this internal pause button being pressed.

"Not yet," it read, "You don't want to miss this phase of their lives, and your work with them is not done yet. Soon. Finish this job first."

I finished my job as a full-time mom this fall, when my youngest left for college, a college quite a few hours away. He is on his own, as is his older brother. Their bedrooms are empty, their shoes are no longer piled in the entryway, and the dinner table is only set for two now. Our grocery bill is tiny as we are only feeding two (less active) adults, not one or two very physical young men as well. We walk the dog now, and soon, we will be shoveling the snow, too.

Two gigantic parts of my heart are not here with me in my home anymore. 21 years have passed since these wonderful children entered my life and turned it upside down, making it sweeter, scarier, and certainly not as much under my control as I had thought it would be.

So this fall, that job ended. And now I can take on some of those opportunities I passed up.

It's not only their turn to fly, it's also my turn to fly. The past few months, I have gone back to school and I am meeting new people, just as my children are. I am training with and studying the works of successful leaders in my field. I am now a Certified Akashic Records Practitioner. I can access The Akashic Records (also called The Book of Life), and I can provide spiritual guidance and answers for my clients from their Masters, Teachers, and Loved ones. I have boldly strengthened my clairvoyance, sharpened my Medical Intuition, and experienced powerful healing from a Shaman.

A good friend once said that the role of a parent is not to stand between their children and the world but instead to stand by their side and guide them. I thank God for my friend's advice. I am stepping aside and guiding (and cheering) my kids on as they lead their own lives. This allows me to step back into my career life, a richer person now with decades of growth and sweet memories to draw from.

And I have a loving family standing beside me, guiding and cheering me on, too.

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